How to set continuous actions. The CartPole-v1 example.


You may find the source code of the CartPole-v1 here.

The CartPole-v1 model is very similar to v0. However, this time, instead of only allowing two 2 actions (0 or 1, representing right or left) you are going to define a single range of values that goes from anywere between -1 and 1. Such change will impact the orginal model in the following parts:

  • Observation space. Now the spaces.Discrete(2) instance is no longer valid. To create a continuous range, you have to use spaces.Box. So you will be replacing your self.action_space in your CartPoleEnv(BaseAnyLogicEnv) to:

self.action_space = spaces.Box(-1, 1, dtype=np.float32)
  • takeAction(ActionSpace Action) function implementation in AnyLogic. You will now be changing the first part of the body to:

// Perform action

// [...]

Everything else remains untouched.