Scaling your training


To scale your training or run more than 1 simulation model at a time (in parallel) you will need an exported version of your AnyLogic model. In order for you to export the model, you MUST have a valid AnyLogic Professional license.

If you are using the rllib package, you can define how many simulation instances you want to execute in parallel by tunning the rollouts parameters:

from alpyperl.examples.cartpole_v0.cartpole_env import CartPoleEnv
from ray.rllib.algorithms.ppo import PPOConfig

# Initialise policy configuration (e.g. PPOConfig), rollouts and environment
policy = (
            'run_exported_model': False,
            'exported_model_loc': './resources/exported_models/cartpole_v0'
            'show_terminals': False

# Create training loop
for _ in range(10):
    result = policy.train()

# Save policy at known location
checkpoint_dir ="./resources/trained_policies/cartpole_v0")
print(f"Checkpoint saved in directory '{checkpoint_dir}'")

# Close all enviornments (otherwise AnyLogic model will be hanging)

The total number of simulation instances will be defined by num_rollout_workers x num_envs_per_worker.

In addition to that, you must enable 'run_exported_model': True in the environment and point to the exported model folder 'exported_model_loc': './resources/exported_models/cartpole_v0' in order for the parallel execution to take place.