ALPypeRL or AnyLogic Python Pipe for Reinforcement Learning is an open source library that will allow you to create and run RL experiments using simulations build in the AnyLogic software. With this package, the user can dedicate their time to what it matters: building the right playground (AnyLogic simulation) for the RL policy to learn appropriately.


With ALPypeRL you will be able to:

  • Connect your AnyLogic model to a reinforcement learning framework of your choise (e.g. ray rllib).

  • Scale your training by launching many AnyLogic models simultaneously (requires an exported model).

  • Deploy and evaluate your trained policy from AnyLogic.

  • Debug your AnyLogic models during training (this is a special feature unique to ALPypeRL that improves the user experience during model debugging remarkably).

  • Leverage on the AnyLogic rich visualization while training or evaluating (which ties to the previous bullet point).


ALPypeRL includes 2 environments that make the connection between AnyLogic and your python scrip possible:

  • ALPypeRLConnector. The AnyLogic connector library to be dropped into your simulation model.

  • alpyperl. The library that you will use after configuring your policy in your python script to connect to the AnyLogic model (includes functionalities to train and evaluate).


  • You must add ALPypeRLConnector in your AnyLogic Palette. Download the jar file here and follow the instructions.

    ALPypeRL Library


    The ALPypeRLConnector requires additional configuration steps! It is not enougth to drag and drop an instance. Please read the documentation.

  • To install the base alpyperl library in python, use:

    pip install alpyperl


  • The ALPypeRL requires you to have the AnyLogic software (or a valid exported model). AnyLogic is a licensed software for building simulations that includes an ample variety of libraries for modelling many industry challenges. At the moment, AnyLogic provides a free license under the name PLE (Personal Learning Edition). There are other options available. For more information, you can visit the AnyLogic website.


This is not a package that is currently backed by the AnyLogic support team.

  • The python package alpyperl requires (among others) 4 packages that are relatively heavy (and might take longer times to install depending on the host machine specs):

    • ray

    • ray[rllib]

    • tensorflow

    • torch

General architecture

The ALPypeRL library consists of 2 artifacts (as mentioned earlier):

  • The ALPypeRL Connector or ENVIRONMENT. If you are familiar with the AnyLogic terms, this object has been basically built from a base Agent. It is in charge of creating a connection from the java side. AnyLogic works as the platform to create environments to be used by the policy.

  • The python alpyperl package or POLICY. This library will create the connection from the python side. Also, you will find other capabilities such as policy deployment.

Here there’s an overall diagram to how ALPypeRL connection is built:

ALPypeRL diagram

Reinforcement learning basics

If you’re new to the field of Reinforcement Learning, a highly recommended resource to learn in-depth about its workings is OpenAI Spinning Up. It is considered one of the best free educational resources currently available for Reinforcement Learning.

As explained in wikipedia:

Reinforcement learning (RL) is an area of machine learning concerned with how intelligent agents ought to take actions in an environment in order to maximize the notion of cumulative reward. Reinforcement learning is one of three basic machine learning paradigms, alongside supervised learning and unsupervised learning.

Reinforcement learning differs from supervised learning in not needing labelled input/output pairs to be presented, and in not needing sub-optimal actions to be explicitly corrected. Instead the focus is on finding a balance between exploration (of uncharted territory) and exploitation (of current knowledge).

RL diagram from wikipedia

If you want to relate what has been explained to ALPypeRL we can say that:

  • The intelligent agents that take decisions are the policies trained (e.g. using rllib). You will need the python package alpyperl for dealing with agents. Agent/Policy learning happens in ALPypeRL on the python side.

  • The environment that is used as the playground for the policy to learn from via observation collection happens on the AnyLogic side. This is all connected thanks to the ALPypeRLConnector and the implementation of the required ALPypeRLClientController functions. After taking an action, a reward is generated, and the agent works towards maximizing its cumulative value.

Other references: