How to set an array of mixed actions. The CarPole-v3 example.


You may find the source code of the CartPole-v3 here.

CartPole-v3 simply demonstrates how to set an array of mixed actions. In this case, the action space is composed of two variables, one of them being a continuous variable and the other discrete. The first variable is a continuous force applied to the cart on the left, and the second one is a discrete force applied to the cart on the right.

You will have to modify exactly the same pieces of the model as you did for v1, resulting in:

  • A new action space as shown in the code below:

    • In java/AnyLogic:

      .add(, 0.0))          // Left force (continuous)
      .add(GymSpaces.discrete(2))             // Right force (discrete)
    • In python/ALPypeRL:

    self.action_space = spaces.Tuple([
        spaces.Box(np.array([0, -1]), np.array([1, 0]), dtype=np.float32),
  • And a new first part of the takeAction(RLAction action) function body:

// Perform action
cartPole.applyForce(action.getInt(1) + action.getDouble(0));

// [...]