How to define a space

ALPypeRL has been developed around the Gym.Env framework and is compatible with most of the gym.spaces. The gym.spaces is a collection of tools to define the state and action spaces of a simulation model.

There are two ways to define Action and Observation spaces in ALPypeRL:

  • Directly from the ALPypeRLConnector in AnyLogic.

  • Using the BaseAnyLogicEnv class inheritance in python.

1. Using the ALPypeRLConnector in AnyLogic

If you choose to define the spaces directly from the ALPypeRLConnector in AnyLogic, you will need to define the them in the object properties. Beforehand, you must check Create here (else define in python). Two section will then appear: Observation Space and Action Space.

Both spaces use the same structure under the Builder concept. The steps to follow are:

  • Initialize your space builder by either calling ActionSpace.init() or ObservationSpace.init().

  • Add the desired spaces by calling .add(GymSpace space) concurrently.

  • Build the space by calling .build() at the end.


A GymSpace is normally created by using the static constructors located at GymSpaces. For example, to create a Discrete space you can use GymSpaces.discrete(int n). This will create a Discrete space with n values.

The gym.spaces library provides a wide range of spaces. You can find the full list of spaces in the gym.spaces documentation. The supported spaces, if you define them from AnyLogic, are:


Supports a single discrete number of values with and optional start for the values:

// A single discrete number starting with 0
GymSpaces.discrete(int n)

// A single discrete number starting with custom number
GymSpaces.discrete(int n, int startValue)

Box (Continuous)

Supports continuous vectors or matrices, used for vector observations, images, etc:

// A single continuous value lowBound, Double upperBound)

// A continuous vector[] lowBoundArr, Double[] UpperBoundArr)

// A continuous matrix[][] lowBoundArr, Double[][] UpperBoundArr)

// A continuous symetric vector lowBound, Double upperBound, int nrows)

// A continuous symetric matrix lowBound, Double upperBound, int nrows, int ncols)


The box space uses Double instead of double because it also supports unbounded spaces. If you want to unbound a space, you can use GymSpaces.Box.unbounded() (e.g.,, 10.0)).


Suppors a vector of binary values, used for holding down a button or if an agent has an object:

// A vector of binary values
GymSpaces.multiBinary(int n)


Supports multiple discrete values with multiple axes, used for controller actions:

// A vector of discrete values
GymSpaces.multiDiscrete(int[] nvec)

// A vector of discrete values with custom start
GymSpaces.multiDiscrete(int[] nvec, int[] startValues)


Supports a tuple of subspaces, used for a fixed number of ordered spaces:

// A tuple of subspaces
GymSpaces.tuple(GymSpace[] spaces)

// A tuple of subspaces with custom names
GymSpaces.tuple(List<GymSpace> spaces)


This space is specially useful if you require to combine continuous and discrete spaces. For example, if you want to combine a Discrete and a Box space, you can do it as follows:

// A tuple of subspaces
GymSpaces.tuple(List.of(GymSpaces.discrete(10),, 1.0)))


Supports a dictionary of keys and subspaces, used for a fixed number of ordered spaces:

// A dictionary of keys and subspaces
GymSpaces.dict(String name, GymSpace space)

// A dictionary of keys and subspaces with custom names
GymSpaces.dict(Map<String, GymSpace> spaces)

2. Using the BaseAnyLogicEnv in python

You can define spaces directly by using the gym.spaces. Please refer to their documentation for further details. Remember that when you define the spaces from python you must inherit the BaseAnyLogicEnv class.

The steps are:

  • Create your own custom class and inherit the BaseAnyLogicEnv class.

  • Define the action_space and observation_space variables. Remember to set them as local by using the self. prefix (e.g. self.action_space).

  • Call the super(<YourCustomEnv>).__init__(env_config) method at the end of the constructor (e.g. super(CartPoleEnv).__init__(env_config)).

import math
from gymnasium import spaces
import numpy as np
from alpyperl import BaseAnyLogicEnv

class CartPoleEnv(BaseAnyLogicEnv):

    def __init__(self, env_config=None):

        # Positional thresholds
        theta_threshold_radians = 12 * 2 * math.pi / 360.0
        x_threshold = 2.4
        # Create observation space array thresholds
        high = np.array(
                x_threshold * 2,            # Horizontal position
                np.finfo(np.float32).max,   # Linear speed
                theta_threshold_radians * 2,# Pole angle
                np.finfo(np.float32).max    # Angular velocity
        # Create Action and Observation spaces using `gymnasium.spaces`
        self.action_space = spaces.Discrete(2)
        self.observation_space = spaces.Box(-high, high, dtype=np.float32)

        # IMPORTANT: Initialise AnyLogic environment experiment after
        # environment creation
        super(CartPoleEnv, self).__init__(env_config)