Simulation randomness and how to handle failed runs

Running reinforcement learning problems requires a large amount of runs. This can really challenge your model. You might assume some situations to be very unlikely (e.g., only happen 1% of the times). However, when you multiply this probability by thousands or milions of runs, you will, for sure, get them. If this rare situations are bugs, replicating them to fix them might be challenging but critical. This is due to lack of control on random number generation happening on the reinforcement learning side.

ALPypeRL gives you the posibility to control the randomness of the runs by printing the seed used for each run. Then, you can tell ALPypeRLConnector to use that specific seed, replicate the run and debug it.

In the ALPypeRLConnector properties you can see a section for controlling the Randomness. There are 2 options:

  • [Default] Random seed (unique runs): This option will use a random seed for each run. This is the default option. Each run will print the seed used.

  • Fixed seed (reproducible runs): This option will use a fixed seed for all the runs. This is useful for debugging purposes. You can replicate a run by using the same seed.

ALPypeRLConnector randomness options


If your model is stochastic (e.g., uses distributions such as uniform() or normal()), you MUST retrieve the Randon Number Generator from the ALPypeRLConnector and use it in all your distributions. Otherwise, you will not be able to replicate the runs. For example, the CartPole models sets the cartpole position randomly. To make use of the ALPypeRLConnector randomness you must rewrite your distributions as follows (check the state variable in the CartPole agent):

CartPole state

AnyLogic distributions allow you to provide a Random instance in all distributions to control how they are seeded. You can retrieve the ALPypeRLConnector randomness by using the alPypeRLConnector.getRNG() method.