Source code for alpyperl.serve.rllib.binder

import uvicorn
from typing import List
from fastapi import FastAPI, status
from fastapi.responses import HTMLResponse, JSONResponse
from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder
from pydantic import BaseModel
import numpy as np
from alpyperl.gym.envs import utils
from alpyperl import BaseAnyLogicEnv
from gymnasium import spaces
from gymnasium.spaces.utils import unflatten, flatten
import os

[docs] def launch_policy_server( policy_config, env, env_config=None, trained_policy_loc='./"trained_policy"', host="", port=3000 ): """Launch server and host trained policy to allow requests. The server requires an observation in the form of an array and will return and action (type depends on action space) :param policy_config: It refers to the policy (also refered as *RL algorithm*) that will be trained. It must be an instance of **rllib algorithms** (check here for more `information <>`_) :type env_config: ray.rllib.algorithms :param env: The environment or **AnyLogic simulation** that the policy will use to train against. :type env: alpyperl.BaseAnyLogicEnv :param env_config: Any option that will be consumed by the environment. Options available are: *TODO:* :type env_config: dict :param trained_policy_loc: The location of the **rllib** trained policy. Be mindful that the rllib policy creates an aditional folder when calling ``save``. ``checkpoint_dir ="./resources/trained_policies/cartpole_v0")`` :type trained_policy_loc: str :param host: The host ID to be used. Defaults to ``localhost`` or ```` :type host: str :param port: The port the service will connect to. Defaults to ``3000`` :type port: int """ # Set server flag on to avoid loading the AnyLogic model if env_config is None: env_config = {} env_config['server_mode_on'] = True # Default checkpoint directory to 'trained_policy_loc' if not provided if 'checkpoint_dir' not in env_config: env_config['checkpoint_dir'] = trained_policy_loc # Re-create policy configuration with no workers and avoid launching # unnecessary models policy = ( policy_config .rollouts(num_rollout_workers=0) .environment(env=env, env_config=env_config) .build() ) # Restore policy state from given checkpoint policy.restore(trained_policy_loc) # Load observation space, so observation received from server can be parsed # to the correct format observation_space = utils.load_space( f"{trained_policy_loc}/alpyperl_spaces/observation_space.pkl" ) action_space = utils.load_space( f"{trained_policy_loc}/alpyperl_spaces/action_space.pkl" ) # Initialise FastAPI application server app = FastAPI() @app.get("/") async def greetings(): html_content = """ <p style=\"text-align:center;font-size:35px\"> Welcome to <b>ALPypeRL</b> trained policy serving! </p> <p style=\"text-align:center;font-size:15px\"> You have accessed the API server. Append <b>'/docs'</b> at the end of this url to access the documentation on the methods available. </p> """ return HTMLResponse(content=html_content, status_code=200)"/predict") async def predict_next_action(observation: List[float]): # Check documentation at action = policy.compute_single_action( observation=unflatten(observation_space, np.asarray(observation)), explore=False ) # Format response response = { "observation": observation, "action": flatten(action_space, action).tolist() } return JSONResponse(content=jsonable_encoder(response), status_code=200) @app.get("/get_trained_policy_loc") async def get_trained_policy_loc(): # Format response response = { "trained_policy_loc": os.path.abspath(trained_policy_loc) } return JSONResponse(content=jsonable_encoder(response), status_code=200) # Launch server, host=host, port=port)